Jamaican law student arrested in Florida for fraud

Norman Manley Law School student Teresa Wilson has been arrested in the United States on charges of mail fraud.
The 27-year-old Wilson was arrested in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on June 16.
Wilson recently completed studies at the Norman Manley Law School, at the University of the West Indies, in St Andrew, and was awaiting final exam results when she was busted.
Loop News has been informed by law enforcement official at the Broward County Sherriff’s Office that Wilson is now in the custody of the US Marshals Service of the Southern District of Florida.
US law enforcement officials were not available on the weekend to provide Loop News with specifics of the allegations against Wilson.
Still, Loop News understands that Wilson had been on the radar of US investigators for at least two years.
The arrest is said to have left law students who knew Wilson in shock.
At the same time, associates of Wilson’s at the law school are urging others not to rush to judgement at this time.
The Norman Manley Law School is said to be embarrassed by the arrest.
Wilson — who is said to be a frequent visitor to the US — is now unlikely to be called to the bar.

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