Batman Is Getting This New Bat Vehicle in ‘Justice League’

Batman Is Getting This New Bat Vehicle in ‘Justice League’
Despite a rash of negative reviews, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice still managed to be a big hit on opening weekend, debuting with $166.1 million. Warner Bros. isn't wasting any time movingt to the next DC adventure, with production on Justice League Part 1 set to begin on April 11 at Levesden Studios in the U.K. There is very little we know about the story thus far. But today, on the latest episode of Heroic InsiderUmberto Gonzalez dropped a tantalizing tidbit about the movie, revealing that Ben Affleck's Batman will have an intriguing vehicle never before seen on screen. There will be potential SPOILERS forBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice below, so read on at your own risk.
Along with bringing Superman (Henry Cavill), Batman (Ben Affleck) and Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) together, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice also introduced us to the remainingJustice League members, Aquaman(Jason Momoa), The Flash (Ezra Miller) and Cyborg (Ray Fisher). Director Zack Snyder teased last week that Bruce Wayne will be the one who brings the Justice League together, and in doing so, Bruce/Batman will be using a new vehicle: a submarine.
Batman will reportedly use this submarine on a journey to Atlantis to track down Aquaman. This report also claims that Aquaman and his followers in Atlantis don't exactly get along with Wonder Woman and her Amazon warriors, due to a "thousand year conflict." It isn't known how much this conflict will be explored in Justice League Part 1, or if both Aquaman and Wonder Woman could show up in each other's movies.
What also isn't terribly clear at this point is how long Superman will be "dead" for in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The Man of Steelsacrificed himself by driving a Kryptonite spear through Doomsday, who managed to fatally injure Superman before he died. During Clark Kent's funeral, Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince teased the formation of the Justice League. The final shot of the movie showed particles of dirt levitate off of Clark's casket, teasing the he's not actually dead.
Since Bruce Wayne will be assembling the Justice League without Superman's help, and while Kal-El will obviously come "back from the dead" at some point, we're not entirely sure when that will happen. Are you looking forward to Batman driving a submarine in Justice League Part 1? Chime in with your thoughts, and stay tuned for more on Justice League Part 1, as we get close to production starting in just a few weeks?

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