Conch and lobster poachers hindering the local fishing industry - Samuda

The Government is lamenting the fact that the country is only able to export 800 metric tons of conch and lobster from its catch in any given year.
Agriculture and Fisheries Minister, Karl Samuda, has pointed to the export figure as being unlikely to be increased because the survival of the local industry is being threatened by poachers from Nicaragua and Honduras, who perennially infringe Jamaican waters.
Speaking at a post-fisheries industry retreat press conference at Iberostar Hotel in Montego Bay, St James on Friday, the minister said the Government will be using diplomatic channels in a bid to settle the on-going dispute with the two countries.
Otherwise, he said a review of a feasibility study that examined the use of drones to protect Jamaica’s borders is to be submitted to the Cabinet soon.
Local conch and lobster fishers have long complained bitterly about the hindrances to their business within Jamaican territorial waters, where they are said to be competing almost ‘toe-to-toe’ with external fishers.

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