GRAPHIC PHOTOS: Mother, daughter chopped in head during brawl over ball

A mother and daughter are lucky to be alive after being attacked by a machete-wielding young man during a dispute over a ball at a tenement yard in St Andrew.
The teen and her mother received a total of approximately 16 stitches to close their wounds. The two received other wounds all over their bodies.
The incident occurred on May 21, in the Waterhouse area and stemmed from a dispute over a ball that the teen girl’s 8-year-old relative was playing with.
As a result of the incident, the 21-year-old man, Oliver Ellis, his underage brother, and the injured mother, Sophia Matthews, and her underage daughter were arrested and charged with unlawful wounding.
The teen and her mother were charged because they are alleged to have wounded Oliver.
The four appeared in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court Friday when all, with the exception of Oliver Ellis, were fined $10,000 or six months’ imprisonment.
Ellis is to be sentenced on Monday.
Senior Parish Judge Judith Pusey revoked his bail pending sentencing, after telling him that he will have to spend time in prison for his action.
Oliver Ellis admitted to chopping the woman and her daughter after beating them with a broomstick until it snapped.
After listening to the young man, Pusey chastised him over his nonchalant attitude about the incident.
Even his mother, who was in court, admitted that he was wrong in assaulting the complainants.

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