Low-risk inmates to be released in bid to reduce prison population

The government is to enact plans to reduce the island’s prison population by releasing low-risk prisoners and pushing for community service orders for some offences instead of a prison term.
Security Minister Robert Montague made the announcement Tuesday during a meeting of the Standing Finance Committee at Gordon House.
He said that electronic monitoring devices will be introduced to monitor the movement of these prisoners, a proposal he first made last month.
“So we are beginning a programme of electronic monitoring and utilising community service orders and also redistributing the [prison] population,” Montague said.
“For example, New Broughton [Sunset Adult Correctional Centre] in Manchester is underpopulated, so is Richmond [Farm Adult Correctional Centre], so is Tamarind Farm [Adult Correctional Centre] and with the new block in Tamarind Farm and the increased security features it will be moving from a low-risk to a medium-risk facility," he  explained.
“Richmond will continue to be [a] low-risk [facility] and then we will be utilising electronic monitoring and community service orders to continue that progressive reduction [of the prison population,” he added.
In the meantime, Montague said that the administration will be relying on five pillars “to combat the monster of crime”.
Montague lists these five pillars as social development, preventative polices and policing, enhancing investigations, swift justice delivery and enhanced rehabilitation.
“It is on those five pillars, Mr Chairman, that we intend to begin the programme of engagement and ultimately the reduction in crime,” Montague said.

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