Jamaica’s Human Trafficking rating improves

The US Department of State has upgraded Jamaica to a Tier 2 ranking on its Watch List for its fight against Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in its 2016 TIP Report which was published on Thursday.
The country’s compliance with Human Trafficking laws and its comprehensive and multi-pronged approach to tackling this threat to human safety and freedom have led to the rise in the rankings by one level.
A Tier 2 ranking means that the country is making important strides in tackling this scourge and is well on its way to full compliance with international Human Trafficking laws and standards.
Although the island has not reached a Tier 1 ranking, the US State Department has noted significant improvements in how we treat with victims and criminals involved in this transnational crime. 
The report stated that the Government of Jamaica has increased its efforts to investigate, prosecute and convict traffickers.
The country secured two convictions, over the reporting period for Forced Labour and Sex Trafficking.
What’s more, Jamaica received recognition for the charges proffered against a public official.
The report, further praised Jamaica’s efforts in its protection of victims. The TIP shelter continues to be in operation, offering care and protection to victims.

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